Friday, February 12, 2021

July 2020 Randomness: Fire Golf, Corona, Kitties

 Neko - staring out the mail slot hoping something will happen. Po looking alert and crazy as ever. 

Poo Neko .... 

As if golf isn't difficult enough already - let's throw in a fire hazard on the fairway. I went golfing with a few gents from school at a rather unique course that weaves 18 holes thru the dense neighborhoods of Evanston.  On one of the holes some environmentally minded Evanstonians were doing their civic duty clearing the invasive buckthorn and had an impressive bonfire going. I've had to deal with vicious monkeys on a fairway but never fire! Here is Vandy showing us the way!

Loris focused and addressing the issue. 

All sorts of random oddities caused by the corona. One day, Loris, the above fellow navigating the fire, asked us at soccer practice if any of us had some quarters he could borrow. He lives downtown and needed quarters to wash his clothes at the laundromat but their apparently was a shortage of change as no one has been out and about spending money. Later that weekend, I cam across this sign at Home Depot. 

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