Friday, February 12, 2021

July 2020 China Town with the Girls

 We were able to get out and about a bit this summer. One of the things we very much enjoy is taking the train downtown and going to different places. Here we are all masked up and social distancing with other passengers. And bonus, the conductors were not taking tickets so free ride!

Pretty much every trip downtown starts with a walk from Ogilvie train station to the fasttrack Hotdog place. 

Ada masked up again and working that phone on the L to Chinatown. 

Cool frieze outside the Chinatown stop L station. Emmerson in her typical sun eye shade pose. 

We typically get a rolled ice cream at the Tasty Legend House. Take out only in all the restaurants - things were pretty locked down at this stage.  Mission accompished - Ada unmasked and ready to have at it.

In the main square they have statues relating to the Chinese "year of the critter relating to when you were born" thing  - I guess it's a zodiac. It goes by years not months. I am a horse, Emmerson is a rooster, and Ada is a pig!

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