Friday, August 16, 2019

July 2019 Tennessee Holiday

We road tripped down to Tennessee to hook up with the Hoovers for our annual summer get together. Nashville was our first gathering point. The Hoovers commandeered a slick hotel in the downtown party district and we got one out on the outskirts of town and figured we would take advantage of the Hoovers good locale for the evening. The girls all stayed in the slick hotel whilst we ventured down to Broadway Street for the Nashville party on experience. We then headed to Brandon's mom's house on a TVA lake where we have met up for the last few years. Great to see the girls meld as if they had seen each other every day for the last year and to spend time with Brandon and Olga and of course Jim and Melanie whose hospitality we very much enjoy and appreciate. I don't have any pictures of the girls for some reason - most likely .... actually I don't know why .... 

Emmerson's first road rash!! She has gotten into skateboarding but unfortunate for her it has all been in the flat lands of Illinois. She went out for a ride with Ada, Kianna and Bellas in Brandon's mom's development which has a few hills. She experienced the truck wobble on a hill for the first time and absolutely train wrecked - board and body all over the place. Good on her for getting up and continuing to skateboard. Melanie did some triage but the next morning we opted it needed a look at so took her to the CVS clinic which was great! The guy who dealt with it was personable and actually knew about boarding and had a relevant conversation with Emmerson about boarding and her nasty A$$ road rash. 

She had a rather gimpy week .... 

Slick CVS clinic care.

We took a day excursion to another city in Tennessee - perhaps Knoxville??  A tad embarrassed I can't remember but not really - its been a long week at NT boys soccer try outs .... Anyway, groovy town as the tatted out alley way shows. Love those pictures of the girls together. 

Alley with urban tatts. 

First time I have ever seen this reserved parking lot and wonder why it is a first??

Just my family went out and about for a day near Lennox where we were staying. This was a state/national park nearby which was pretty neat. Quite historical dating back to the interactions between the European settlers and indigenous Americans thru the civil war. 

Quite the ingenious creation ... any kid who has fled a neighborhood bully such as Joe Kelly on Roberts Rd in Cornwall, NY circa 1977 knows that the best escape is to plow into and thru a pricker patch in the back of the Heeds house and into the woods beyond. 

Bad A$$ prickers. 

Ada once again showing Emmerson lots of love in one of the barracks rooms at the fort. 

The girls pondering fort living. 

Sure wish Illinois could muster up something interesting for their license as creatively done by New Mexico. 

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