Tuesday, August 13, 2019

July 2019 Maine

Darin hosted another get together for the fellas who lived together in a house senior year in college. Last time it was in Winter Park and this year it was at his new place in Castine, Maine. 

Darin's place from the front and ... 

.... the back. 

Obligatory selfie in the backyard. 

Low tied at the shore line that butts up against the back of the property. I attempted a swim here after testing the waters the day before at a beach where the water temp was in the 60's. Here it was literally shockingly cold. I expected to warm up once I started swimming but that did not happen so I abandoned the venture. Once ashore, Mark told me his watch posted a 54 degree water temp - not sure how his watch new that but I know it was friggin cold. 

The crew walking out on the dock to the extended family Boston Whaler that we took out and about in the bay. 

Girish and Mark on the boat with the lobster pound in the background. 

Here at the lobster pound you simply tell the staff what poundage lobster you want and if you want crab or clams or whatever along with it and that's it. 

Another obligatory selfie at the lobster place. 

Once it's done they bring it to the picnic table and then you have at it. 

Some good pups enjoying hanging out at the lobster place. 

Darin and Beckett setting up the fireworks for the evening show. 

A traditional New England style hot dog in all of its obnoxiously red glory. 

Slick house 

The Merchant Marine college is in Castine - a full on 4 year liberal arts college where students come to become shipping folk. Sure wish I knew this existed back in the day. 

Some of the crew down on the docks with the merchant marine training ship in the background. Students go out on the ship for part of their education and then it docks here in town and they do in port type of learning until it heads out with the next group. 

Night time shot that seemed really, really cool at the time ...... 

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