Thursday, January 31, 2019

January Random 2019

Did not put in enough thought to come up with some sort of theme to tie these together so another random post.

Aftermath of New Years Eve pie in the face game that Emmerson, Ada and friends seem to enjoy on this special occasion.  Definitely more than whip cream involved. We had two canisters of whip cream in the fridge and for several days of the New Year i would here Emmerson's foot steps into the kitchen followed by the unmistakable sound of a shot of whip cream being consumed. 

So have been skiing quite a bit this year with the school club of which I am a sponsor and Emmerson. This was a trip to Alpine Valley where we spotted this clown at the ski school. We kept seeing him throughout the day lurking around doing clown stuff - basically creeping people out.

Ada fast asleep under her "polar bear".

I have finally gotten back into an exercising routine mostly involving the elliptical we have in our basement. Once the weather gets suitable will get back outside with running and biking but now working thru all the shows I have recorded and never watched. Here is Po blasting her quads ....  

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