Emmerson had her birthday at the Cookery where she and her birthday guests created spaghetti and meatballs and pizza, both from scratch. Really neat to see all the girls just following the chefs instructions with no reservations - if I were making pizza dough without a machine I would be a bit hesitant but they all dived in and made some solid dishes.
We had large amounts of leftover pizza so we decided today to have a pizza taste off to see which pizza creation they liked the most as Emmerson and Ada's pizzas turned out quite different. The girls were blindfolded and given two bites of each pizza.
At the Cookery for Emmerson's 10th birthday!
Girls getting ready for their pizza challenge taste off.
Blindfolded with note pads and puff ball pens for documenting each dish.
Tasting pizza "A"
Considering the comparative elements of the pizzas.
Writing down their evaluations.
And the winner is ... pizza "B"! I think they agreed that it had more toppings and wasn't so cheesy. Pizza "A" was actually huge and had a very thin crust, which I appreciated, but the cheese was piled on and the toppings were limited as it was difficult to spread them thru the giant expanse of the pizza.