Monday, August 19, 2019

July 2019 Emmerson off to Camp Tecumseh

Emmerson and Ada have been going to summer camp for several years now. The last few years both have been going to Camp Pocanoca in western Illinois. Ada continued to have another go this year and Emmerson opted for a new experience at Camp Tecumseh in central Indiana. Camp Tecumseh is a YMCA camp and is apparently one of the premiere Y camps in the Midwest.  It was indeed impressive and Emmerson had a wonderful time once her daddy left the premises ..... 

The poor kittens are getting more and more clingy to the girls and definitely know when they are leaving. Typically they will lay on their suitcase or anything else indicating that they are about to leave. Here is Po asking the girls not to go or take her with them.  

Neko overcome with sadness that her girls are leaving. 

Of course I had to have several forced poses. Usually we all go to camp together but this time Alicia went to Pocunoca with Ada and I went with Emmerson to Tecumseh so I was tasked with documenting the drop off. Emmerson is still sporting her knee disaster but she did not make a big deal of it when I dropped her off vs the deal she made of me showing daddy affection towards his daughter going off to camp for a week. 

Desperately wanting me to go away .... 

Fortunately when you can commandeer a friend, the daughter will usually comply - thank you Nora!

As I was pulling away I could not resist yelling to Emmerson one last time knowing that it was obnoxious but also that she would look when I called her name ... I love you Emmerson!!!!

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