Friday, January 31, 2014

Manila Golf

I went golfing early on in the year in the first week upon arriving here in Manila. Sam Cook invited me out to a course up in the hills an hour or so beyond the city. It was a beautiful course and I think I posted images and such way back in August. That being said, I am not that caliber of golfer and am excited about the new opportunity to golf at my level, in my town. Graham, one of the new guys I came in with found a place nearby school that I am going to try and play at regularly. Reminds me a lot of the place I frequented in Indo - primarily because it is an army base course. Graham, being a Scot, grew up with golf and is a great to have out on the course. he teaches first grade and Ada is quite excited that I am out golfing with a teacher from her grade. Eugene, an elementary school counselor, and very well known by my girls is getting into golf and rounds out our triad. Super casual, not crowded so we can take multiple shots - I know purists cringe - but if you don't get out everyday, its nice. It is a caddy course, females seem to be more frequent here than in Indo. They are pleasant and knowledgeable and know what to say when you miss a two foot putt or hit the turf for the third time when trying desperately to chip on to the green from 4 feet off. Its just nice to get into some green space for a few hours in the midst of the Manila urbanscape.

Anyone who has ever been to a driving range should take a double take at these next two images. I have never seen this situation before and it says a lot about a lot ... which I will try and resist to get into as few will find it as interesting as I and it will take a lot of space to post ... perhaps another time (basically - it is a job for people who desperately need work BUT consider all that is relevant to this being a legitimate job). Anyway, the lady sitting looking away is the "ball putter down person" for the person hacking away at the range. If the hacker has a driver, she/he will create a tee out of the mound of dirt in front of her/him. Then she/he will use a brick to pound the surface flat when the golfer wants to have at an iron or lesser wood. What, literally, caused me to recoil when I first saw this is how close the ball putter down person is to the person swinging away. Another reason why I love our world (not this situation), because you can come across people whose job is a "ball putter downer" at an army base golf course driving range in Manila.

Quite a curious world we live in.

Eugene hunkering down for one of the most difficult shots in golf - at least for me - I mentally can not hit this shot at the moment - could before - but not anymore - therapy in order. Graham is posing appropriately in the back with caddies.

Graham ready to finish off a putt lined up by his lady.  He's a solid golfer. 

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