Sunday, December 15, 2013

ICARE: Stilts

At the resort where we stayed during ICARE - appropriately named, Stilts!

You know your not in Chicago in December when you step out your front door into this scene!

We had around 60 kids total divided into two teams, one for each of the local elementary schools we partnered with.Two cabins for boys and two for the girls. Fortunately, chaperones had separate cabins away from the kids as they got rather damp and discombobulated quite quickly

 From the walkways facing one of the two beaches in the resort compound.

Facing inland.

Two tiered pool. 

Dining pavilion. Great food and staff. Two of the evenings they set us up with dinner on the beach.

Mr. Hoover - lead chaperone with his lingering Movember creation.

Actually smiling in a photo - must really be a happy place!

Girls goofing on the beach.

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